You can set the volume limits by adjusting the upper and lower limit of volume controls. Modifying the upper or lower volume limits of M33 provides more fidelity when adjusting the volume.
Volume limits can be adjusted in any of the following two methods:
Front Panel Display
- In the M33 Front Panel Display, select Settings > Player > Volume limits (dB).
- Adjust the first slider between -80 dB and -30 dB to configure the Minimum Volume limit*.
- Adjust the second slider between 0 dB and -50 dB to configure the Maximum Volume limit*.
BluOS Controller App
- In the BluOS Controller App, on the left Navigation Drawer, select Settings > Player > Audio > Volume limits (dB).
- Adjust the left handle of the slider between -80 dB and -30 dB to configure the Minimum Volume limit*.
- Adjust the right handle of the slider between 0 dB and -50 dB to configure the Maximum Volume limit*.
*The M33 maintains a minimum span width of 30 dB between Maximum and Minimum volume limits. For example, the maximum volume limit configuration of -10dB, limits the range of the minimum volume limit adjustment from -80 dB to -40 dB.
Conversely, a minimum volume limit configuration of -60dB, limits the range of the maximum volume limit adjustment from 0 dB to -30 dB.